The definitive app to help you find lodgings along the Camino Francés from Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port to Santiago de Compostela.mycaminobed offers the ability to know the whole range of accommodation and all the information to plan your experiences on the Camino de Santiago. Using your mobile device, GPS and Google Maps, youll see where you are, what towns and villages are nearby, their distance, and what accommodations are available to you. You can also discover the weather forecast at both your location and further along the Camino. A valuable resource along the Camino de Santiago!mycaminobed makes finding shelter along the Camino Francés easy in three quick steps. Search for your destination, see lodgings available and find the one you like. You can calculate how to get to your destination using Google Maps, obtain website info, contact info, pricing, see your lodging on Google Street view and make advance reservations with All without charge, in-app purchases or ads. Discover pilgrim lodgings by location, and check out their costs, opening times, facilities, addresses and contact informationCall lodgings and visit their websites directly from the app.Using Google Maps, the pilgrim can find out exactly where they are along the Camino Francés.FEATURES:Lodging Directory. A full listing of lodgings in each town. Stage Guide. Full directory of villages along the way, in the order in which you pass them, with accurate listings of what services are available.Save yourself the worries or extra kilometres that may lie ahead as you do your Camino de Santiago (Saint James Way) with this new app!Download now for free and start your Camino adventure today.Buen Camino de Santiago - Jakobsweg - Chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle - Cammino di Santiago - Saint James way / Way of Saint James!